2022 Atlanta Model Figure Show
Registration Form
Register for the 2022 show by filling out this form and bring them with you to the show.
Entry Form
Enter into the 2022 show by filling out this form and bring them with you to the show.
Book Your Hotel
Click here for our special $125/night rate at The Hilton
The Atlanta Military Figure Society is proud to announce the 2022 Atlanta Model Figure Show. On February 18, 19, 20, 2022, the AMFS, in conjunction with Atlanta AMPS, will host figure painters and armor builders from across the country. You are cordially invited to join us for days of shopping at the many vendor tables, viewing the amazing displays of miniature art, and attending educational seminars designed to assist everyone in improving their individual efforts.
As in years past we will utilize the beautiful Atlanta Hilton/Marietta Conference Center. Located at 500 Powder Springs Street, the Center is just a hop, skip and jump from the Marietta Square, home of many and varied dining establishments. For the length of the AMFS event, the Center is offering a show room rate of $125 per night. This is in effect from Wednesday night, February 17 through Saturday, the 19 of February. The Center has established a cut off date for this rate, and reservations must be made prior to January 31, 2022. Reservations may be made online by using the link below;
Or by phone at 770-427-2500. (If you have any problems via phone, please ask to speak with Debbie Appling)
Unfortunately, we will not offer Pre-registration for the 2022, but we hope to re-institute this feature in 2023. However, you may still download your Show forms and fill them out at your leisure before coming to the event site. You will need a Show Entry Form for yourself (AMFS 2022 Entry Form) and an Entry Registration Form (Registration Form for Entries) for each category that you will be entering.
Educational seminars for the 2022 Show will consist of the always popular “panel discussion” hosted by Grand Master Matt Springer and featuring a panel of top level hobbyists discussing varying topics. 2022 will also see the return of Mike Blank, another Atlanta Grand Master, who will entertain attendees with his seminar on “Figure Animation”. AMPS Atlanta will feature Craig Broten who will present a seminar on ” Using AK Interactive Products for Groundwork and Scenery”.. Also returning for 2022, the AMFS Silent Auction will also be held on Saturday, the 19th. A good chance to pick up something for your collection at a reasonable price.
In addition to the days of the Show, the AMFS will host a painting seminar by Jim Rice , latest Chicago Medal winner, on Thursday and Friday before the show kicks off. This will be February 17 and 18. For everyone interested, you may see the Workshop Flyer and also reserve your place by visiting the Sabot Miniatures web page (www.sabotminiatures.com) and using their Sabot Painting Academy drop down. Please note that all arrangements must be made through Sabot Miniatures. This promises to be a great learning experience, and is limited to 15 participants, so don’t delay as the seats will go quickly.