Atlanta Military Figure Society Categories
Historical Painters – Stock Figures or Minor Conversions. Judged on Workmanship, Degree of Difficulty, but mainly Painting Skills.
Historical Open – Original, or Heavily Modified/Converted. Judged on Workmanship, Degree of Difficulty, Anatomical Correctness, Presentation, Originality, and Painting Skill.
Fantasy Painters – All Non-Historical Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Anime, Superhero, Sci-Fi. Stock Figures or Minor Conversions. Judged on Workmanship, Degree of Difficulty, but mainly Painting Skills.
Fantasy Open – All Non-Historical Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Anime, Superhero, Sci-Fi. Scratch-built or Heavily Modified/Converted. Judged on Workmanship, Degree of Difficulty, Anatomical Correctness, Presentation, Originality, and Painting Skill.
Stock Vignettes/Dioramas – All Genres – Stock Figures or Minor Conversions. Judged on Workmanship, Degree of Difficulty, Presentation, Originality, Groundwork, and Painting Skills.
Open Vignettes/Dioramas – All Genres – Scratch-built or Heavily Modified/Converted. Judged on Workmanship, Degree of Difficulty, Anatomical Correctness, Presentation, Originality, Groundwork, and Painting Skills.
War Gaming Army – All Genres – Stock Figures. Judged on Workmanship, Degree of Difficulty, Groundwork, and Painting Skills
Models – All Genres – Ordinance, Cars, Ships, Planes, Sci-Fi, and Misc. Judged on Workmanship, Degree of Difficulty, but mainly Painting Skills.
Toy Soldiers – This category is divided Old Toy Soldiers and New Toy Soldiers: subdivided small groupings (1-10) large groupings (11+). Toy Soldiers are judged primarily on Presentation.
Juniors – Modelers 15 and younger. Designed for Beginners. All genres: Historical, Fantasy, Vignettes/Dioramas, Models. Judged on Workmanship, Degree of Difficulty, Presentation, Originality, Groundwork, and Painting Skills.
Basic – Modelers 16 and older. Designed for Beginners or those not yet comfortable in entering the advanced placement. All genres: Historical, Fantasy, Vignettes/Dioramas, Models. Judged on Workmanship, Degree of Difficulty, but mainly Painting Skills.